Who run the world? GIRLS! Gone were the days when the conventional perception of women's responsibilities that only limited us to childrearing or homemaking because we live in an era where, unlike before- women are in the level playing field of the work force environment and rightfully so: making moves and names for us, Boss Babes!
The working, ambitious, career women of our generation are my biggest inspiration for this fashion blog post. I was also very excited to shoot in New York City once again, not only because the weather was finally beginning to be better but it is also very nostalgic for me since I had my fair share of being a "busy New Yorker career woman" almost 10 years ago!
For this blog post, I came up with four fashion edits instead of the usual three. I want to capture the different Boss Babe audience that you; my dear readers, may fall into. From the academe, to the financial sector, to the corporate world and even to the artsy, creative industry, I am sure that these fashion edits will inspire you. As you already know, the MC stamp is basically pushing the envelope and thinking out of the box: looking edgy yet clean, rather than sticking to the basic stereotypical looks that we have when it comes to our usual (and mostly boring) work wardrobe.
So without further adieu, here are the four fashion edits and note that you can click on each picture to zoom and see the specific details of each look.

The GEEK GODDESS was inspired by the working women in the academe, medical and scientific fields. From a high school literature teacher to the friendly university librarian or the pharmaceutical scientists, you can turn your wardrobe a little edgier and different by wearing an eye-catching cardigan that has a bold pattern and by matching it with a non-conventional shoe color, (in this case, a purple pair of booties), for a pop of color. You can still stick to the basic black turtleneck and slacks yet give a great impact to the whole outfit. This is definitely thinking and pushing your creative limits outside the box. Now, we can definitely match our intelligence with our beauty and looks especially in the school PTA events or the pharmaceutical or medical research seminars and conventions.


The FOXY FINANCIER fashion edit was inspired by our financial tycoons who are killing the game in Wall Street and the financial industry where it's mostly dominated by men. I know for a fact, since I work in such similar environment, that to be taken seriously, one must adhere to a "certain and specific look" not to be misinterpreted. A classic LBT (little black dress) is always a staple item. However, to spice it up, I matched it with a red fitted trench coat and a leopard-printed scarf. I finished the look with a very simple yet sexy, strappy heels. By accessorizing with bold colors or prints, definitely a simple black dress can make a huge entrance and impression anywhere our financier goes-- from her board meeting to her business luncheon and closing that client partnership.


The SUBWAY SISTAH fashion edit was inspired by the artsy, creative world of the public relations, graphic and visual designers to the advertising, modeling and talent agencies. With such environment, there is more of a relax, casual atmosphere and environment as opposed to the academe or the financial industry. And most of the time, since these Boss Babes are always on the go: whether it be on set for a photoshoot to film screening events or a press release conferences, making a statement is a must. For this outfit, I kept it casual yet edgy by sticking to a black asymmetrical skirt, a chunky colored sweatshirt and a color-coordinated sock heels. Lastly, accessorized it with a handmade leather bag. Definitely, this look is distinctive in its nature yet "comfy-friendly" for our very active Boss Babes.


Last but not the least, The EXECUTIVE DIVA was inspired by the one and only Miranda Priestly from The Devil Wears Prada. If you have seen the movie or read the book, she is the ultimate fashionista and diva personified. When I was working in the fashion industry, I remembered that we always have to look polished and pristine as we are the brand's walking image. It was not easy waking up every morning and getting ready to look immaculate but with time and training, it came effortless and manageable. This is also why I am able to give fashion recommendations and opinions because of my years of experience in this field. So with this specific fashion edit, I paired a red textured bodysuit with a tartan-printed high-waisted skirt that has a front slit and paired it with a red pumps and long blazer. Finally, to synchronize the red and blue color scheme, I opted for a dark blue denim handbag. Truly a knockout outfit that symbolizes authority, good taste and professionalism in the most fashionable nature there is.

So whether your style falls down to one of the fashion edits or a combination of all; the most important thing to understand is how to mix and match and knowing how to pair your basic pieces with a bold print or a pop of color to break away from the monotony of a specific look. If there is one thing I do not like is blending in a sea of the same style, hence; I always try to innovate and differentiate a simple look such as a little black dress. Another key is to know how to accessorize and add and as we say in french, "mettre en valeur" which literally translates "to put value". One way of executing the idea is to ask yourself where would you like your audience to focus on when they see the whole outfit and go from there. Moreover, as I always say, the best accessory to match your outfit is your smile (even if I rarely do) and your confidence! To my fellow Boss Babes, keep moving forward and onwards! We got this and we are winning at this game.