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The Parisian Panda's 6th Year Anniversary: Seas-ing Moments and Making Waves

Six Years- it seemed like yesterday when I first started this blog that was solely focused on fashion and lifestyle. Years have passed and if you have been following and supporting my journey; this social platform has expanded and wore a wide array of hats!

The journey was long, arduous and was met with several different challenges but has allowed me to grow and evolve- losing and yet gaining, learning new things and unlearning old habits which in my books; is a true definition of transformation and maturity- both professionally and personally.

I remember when I used to focus on generating post likes, followers and website traffics because let's all face it; the digital world can be demanding and laborious- and whether you are a blogger, influencer or anything that has to deal with online presence and marketing, it is a big factor in staying in the game. But as they say, practice makes perfect.

Though, in the past couple of years, I truly made it to a point to direct my attention in harnessing my skills in creating contents that will be inspirational and memorable as opposed to just being 'viral' and easily forgotten.

In my professional and personal experience, finding the right type of balance and flow is key to tapping into one's character, name and branding. One may hit it big time on the first trial if lucky or one may have to go through several stages and phases to get to one's desired outcome- just like in life in general, I reckon.

Last year was the most difficult and scariest time of my existence: I lost my inspiration and muse, Ariel Benjamin (OBM); a life- altering experience that has truly taken me to undermine my ability to continue my vision and zest for life. However, giving up was not in my vocabulary and to truly honor a person who was the center of my universe meant making my healing journey the central focus of my world today so I can be the best version of myself- which can be depicted in the artistic narrative of this photoshoot; one of which is basking in nature's beauty.

In addition,coming out of the murky waters of desolation and the perpetual search of questioning my purpose allowed me to revisit one of my passions- that is music. This year, Acoustic Unplugged kicked off in production last January for a reunion show and ended on high notes- both literally and figuratively! I am delighted to share that next month, the first session of The Summer Series will be out.

While the future is unknown and at times daunting,I am truly optimistic of the promising things for myself and of my social platform. What most would think of as frightening can also be an exhilarating feeling and moment to evolve- because after all; change is the only constant thing.

From the bottom of my heart (and the seven seas), my gratitude goes out to all my followers- old and new , for your unwavering support and belief. I will be continuing this colorful journey by "seas-ing" moments and making waves!

With love,

The Parisian Panda

*Photo Credit:Loic Ercolessi of L-E Photos

1 Comment

Demario Robinson
Demario Robinson
Jun 27, 2024

Nice congrats

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